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Women in Mobility — An interview with Liora Katz, COO of NoTraffic 🚦

Liora Katz is the COO of Israeli smart mobility startup, NoTraffic. Liora is a passionate leader with a background in operations, finance & HR. She has been instrumental in leading her last 3 companies through to acquisition, and joined NoTraffic 18 months ago to drive them to the next level of their development; ‘the best career decision’ she’s made so far!

NoTraffic is an autonomous traffic management platform to optimise traffic in real time according to actual demand on the road. They know how to identify all the road users, and can optimise the traffic lights according to the demand on the road. They’re up and running in several US cities and are seeing some fantastic results.

Liora is driven by working for companies with positive social impact, and NoTraffic is no exception. I am fairly confident you can’t find me someone who enjoys sitting at traffic lights!

Here’s a little insight into what we chat about in the interview…

Why we need to have more female voices in the sector? 🙋‍♀️

Mobility affects everyone, it’s not a gender issue… everybody wants to improve daily routine. Through working in mobility you can reduce traffic, reduce pollution by better managed traffic, ride sharing, electrical bicycles etc.

How does NoTraffic help improve the air we breathe? 🚦

The latest study we did in a NoTraffic city, showed a 50% reduction in delayed time! 5 minutes each way, is 10 minutes a day, is 2.5 days a year you won’t be sitting in traffic!

Loving life & planet 🌏

Liora’s mission is to grow with the company, and she’s very happy doing it. “I absolutely love what we do and I love its contributioN to the world and to the environment, so I’m really happy to be here” — Wouldn’t it be amazing if everyone loved what they do this much!

How can you follow in her footsteps? 👣

Choose your top priorities; fields of interest, technology, company environment or contribution to the world, and follow your dreams. We are always looking for talented people so just believe in yourself and submit to your cv and just take the leap!

Thanks Liora, please please bring NoTraffic to London soon! 🚦

Posted by: Brightsmith Recruitment