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Keeping your head above water; Building confidence and reducing the noise!

In times of great uncertainty, I took a moment to consider a few ways to boost confidence and eliminate at least a little bit of the noise.

Although I’m very aware that everyone will be in very different positions at the moment, I think I’m right in saying we could all do with a bit of a boost, and here are a few things which are very achievable and best of all you can start today!

Positive mindset

Think positively… cliched I know, but the physical and mental benefits of achieving a positive mindset have been proven time and time again. How can you do this? Focus on the good things, however small they may be…. Find positive people to chat to and think about how you can continue to grow and develop yourself. Actually, sometimes what you haven’t done yet, but want to do, is one of the most important things to your current or future employer – passion, drive and a positive mindset can take you a very long way!

Take inspiration from others

What makes you great? When doubting yourself, take some time to consider your achievements and what you do brilliantly. In times where a lot of people are looking for a job, it’s hard not to compare yourself to others – but please try not to… focus on your own unique skills and abilities… it’s always great to be inspired by those you admire, but take that inspiration and channel it into motivation rather than a comparison!

The home working battle

If you, like most of us, are now working from a new but very familiar environment, try to find a ‘working set up’ where possible but also don’t forget about finding your happy place to do it – the right playlist, a brisk walk, a garden workout, a huge coffee – whatever works for you! That said I know my home setup of me, a laptop and a puppy is far more manageable than most…

The most confident you

We’ve all heard the saying, dress for the job you want… now I don’t really believe in this (currently wearing dungarees and not a talented decorator!) but I do think it’s always good to think, ‘How would I act if I was feeling confident?’ I’m certainly not suggesting you pretend to be someone else, just that you put your best, most confident foot forwards… On that note, take the slippers off and GET DRESSED! You’ll feel much better about the day! 

One step at a time

Everyone’s different but I know something I find hugely helpful, is taking things one step at a time – when something feels overwhelming or too much, break it down into manageable pieces, setting yourself up for constant success and in turn building your confidence in your own abilities.

Don’t go it alone

Lastly, and perhaps at the moment, most importantly….  ask for help! And that leads perfectly into something we would love to offer our community. We’re here to give you our time and expertise for a few hours each day over the coming weeks. We can’t promise to have all of the answers, but if you are seeking some general career advice, or something more specific around your CV, your online profile, how to impress in a video interview, or just a bit of general encouragement then we are happy to take calls every day between 10 and 12. If you want to chat, please reach out, we know these are challenging times, but that is when community can make a real difference!

Posted by: Brightsmith Recruitment